Viewing posts from : April 2021

Which drinking bottle is best for my little one

Posted by: Josanne Verhoof in

The infant formulas available in the Netherlands are excellent substitutes for breast milk. Despite the preference for breastfeeding, it is possible to switch to bottle feeding for your own reasons. It is a fact, and certainly in the first weeks, that antibodies are passed along with the mother’s milk to protect the baby against infections. […] Read more

Sleepmethod 0 – 8 months

Posted by: Josanne Verhoof in

Villa Bimbi uses various sleeping methods that are tailored to the developmental age of your little one. All our methods are based on a gentle parenting vision. This means that we never let the little ones cry it out, but look at the reason behind the behavior The method that Villa Bimbi recommends for babies […] Read more

Sleeping Method From 10 Months

Posted by: Josanne Verhoof in

Villa Bimbi uses various sleeping methods that are tailored to the developmental age of your little one. All our methods are based on a gentle parenting vision. This means that we never let the little ones cry-it-out, but look at the reason behind the behavior. The method that Villa Bimbi recommends for babies from 10 […] Read more