Sleep tips babies and toddlers; transition winter- summertime.

Posted by: Josanne Verhoof in

Changing the clock can cause many sleeping problems for your little one. How do you ensure that your little one can get used to the new rhythm without experiencing any problems (and without mom and dad barely sleeping for the next few weeks)?

3 steps to transition from summer- to wintertime or vice versa

  1. Start preparing your little one for the new times four days in advance.
  2. Every day, build up 15 minutes (from summer time to winter time) or decrease by 15 minutes (from winter time to summer time) of the rhythm your little one uses at the moment. By gradually decreasing or building up, your little one’s body gets time to get used to the new rhythm. Make sure that the entire rhythm shifts by 15 minutes: so sleeping, playing and eating.
  3. Also make sure to keep a close eye on the awake window and the nap times. If your child sleeps too long, wake him up. Open the curtains and let in fresh air. All this helps the body to get used to the new times.

It is important at all times to keep an eye on your little one’s signals of tiredness. We want to prevent your little one from becoming overtired. Overtiredness causes night wake ups or early morning wake ups.

Which rhythm fits my baby or toddler?

Would you like to know which rhythm suits your little one? So that you can develop a day and night routine that suits his needs? Request our short sleep plan now for FREE. During the next 5 days you will receive tips & tricks explaining topics such as: waking times, nocturnal wakefulness, early mornings, teething, developmental jumps, sleeping methods and much more!

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